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Preparing the strategic communications plan for $200m global paper giant. 

Our client, a global leader in the paper and pulp industry revamped its strategic plan to focus on long-term thinking in a bid to remain competitive and secure its future.

The objective was to communicate the company's new vision; the action plans to be executed; and the imminent changes in human capital, structure, culture and ways of working to employees and other key stakeholders- keeping them informed to their new responsibilities, motivated to win as one and excited for the future that would be the emergence of a truly world-class company.

The Message:


The message was designed to achieve three goals:

1. Build morale and a sense of being, by appreciating all key stakeholders for their monumental efforts and commitments over the years that had seen the company grow into a leading paper and pulp powerhouse in the world.  

2. Deliver a clear understanding of what was at stake and what was required of each and everyone involved, from senior executives to trainees and vendors- establishing a unified goal and reiterating the positives of collective effort and a winning mentality.

3. Keep everyone abreast of how the strategic plan was coming together as regards implementation by the department and any modification in plans, parts or personnel.

The Channel:


The right message to the right people via the right channel is what makes for optimum communication. So, we alternated the delivery channels using a carefully blended mix of emails, bulletin boards, roadshows, meetings and conferences to best deliver the message at each phase of execution. 


A critical part of implementing the strategic communications plan for us, was to establishing a water-tight and credible feedback channel to get unadulterated and unbiased key stakeholder views as regards the wholesome transformation in the organization- understanding the climate and situations on ground to better inform decisions.



The Result:

Initiation of a smooth transformational experience for a global powerhouse. 

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